Loctite 601 Anaerobic Retaining Compound 50 ml Bottle
Loctite 601 is a retaining compound designed for the bonding of cylindrical fitting parts, particularly where low viscosity is required.
Technical Information
- Product Type Retaining Compound
- Product Form Liquid

Product Information
This anaerobic, low viscosity, medium cure speed, dimethacrylate ester-based retaining compound is suitable for a maximum diametrical clearance of 0.1 mm. It is a high strength product for applications that require a permanent bond, and it cures when confined in the absense of air between close fitting metal surfaces.
Loctite 601 prevents loosening and leakage from shock and vibration, offers a fixture time on steel of 25 minutes and a service temperature from -55°C to +150°C.
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